Well, most of my blog entries are about nice places and pretty pictures. This one is just about misery. Our little buddy, constant companion and mascot was diagnosed with kidney disease earlier this year. The only treatment they offered were surgeries like kidney transplants, or a "kidney friendly" diet. He wouldn't eat the kidney friendly food. Over the past few months his weight dropped, and his appetite and energy level slowly dropped to zero. When he quit drinking water and showed no interest in his morning walk, we knew it was time to drop the denial and take him to the vet in Las Vegas. I haven't cried that hard since my father died. For a little dog, Charlie had a ton of personality. Those of you who have had a shoe stolen by him know what I'm talking about. We had him since 2007, but he was a daily fixture in our lives since I retired in 2012. He was always there, always happy to see us, always coming up with some new neurotic behavior to make us laugh and shrug. I held him tightly in my arms when the Vet put him down and I bawled like a baby. We will really miss that dog. Here are some pictures from his better days.

He was a little heart breaker as a puppy. How can you not love this guy?
Awkward teenage years. Yes, he'd help himself to whoever's bed he wanted to lay on.
Our first summer in the RV.
Happy as a clam hanging out by a stream in the mountains somewhere. Anywhere. Charlie in his prime.
I hope this video works. Charlie was a huge licker, part of his...charm.
Sorry to hear about Charlie. I know it wasn't easy for the both of you.........and yes, he stole our shoes too........but he'd always leave it alone, sooner or later..........