After Philly, it was time to head back down to the seashore! We retraced our steps back down to Delaware Seashore State Park and stayed at the other side of the inlet this time. It was beautiful the first day, then we got hit by a rain front that soaked the whole country for a couple days. It can't always be sunshine and palm trees I guess. However, with satellite and Internet access, even a rainy day has its diversions. After two days of more or less constant showers, we were again treated to days of sunshine on the east coast. After Delaware, it was an easy drive down across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel to the North Carolina Outer Banks to see Stephanie and Kevin again. We stayed at a nice park on the sound side and had a beautiful weekend at the shore. Leaving the Outer Banks, we again stayed on Falls Lake outside Raleigh for a visit with John and Phyllis. We're now heading west across I-40 with just a couple stops before heading back to Little Rock for a visit. Some pictures from the last couple stops:

Poncho and Sou'Wester were in order for a couple days. Missy wasn't exactly enthusiastic about walking in the rain.
We love a lakefront site, but this is a little rediculous.
However, once the weather blew through it was gorgeous in Delaware.
Not so many families in late September, which we really like.
That's our motorhome in the distance, really nice spot at OBX Campground.
We happened into a Jeep Jam at the public park, lots of really cool 4X4s jacked up and ready for the dunes
Panoramic view from our roof at OBX Campground